Monday, February 20, 2006


This looks like a posed picture but these shoes were washed up with other debris on the beach, not sure anyone would be wanting to wear flip-flops on a cold February morning anyway. The sea seems to claim many shoes, in large volumes; near the Dutch coast recently and famously in the Pacific Ocean in 1990 . It is not usual to find a pair so were the two "thongs" here left by mistake ? The sea can snatch a buckled shoe from your foot, as happened to my daughter as she paddled just up the coast from here.
Beachcomber's Alert


Anonymous said...

I like your photos and also the links you are making. I also have often wondered about left shoes (I mean shoes that are left behind): also on the side of highways.

Rich said...

This question may have been answered by The Straight Dope Why do you always see just one shoe by the side of the road?

Unknown said...
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