Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Burgh Island

Burgh Island, famous for it's art deco hotel, inspiration for Agatha Christie's novel "And then there were none" , popular for kite surfing and scene of the 1965 film "Catch us if you can" starring the Dave Clark Five. .....relive the Sixties with "Bits and Pieces" or "Glad all Over". This small island even has is own book . It has been nominated as an icon of England and you can vote to agree or disagree

When the tide is out you can enjoy the sandy beach or walk to the island, if the tide is in you need to catch the Sea Tractor to get to and from the mainland. This is a popular spot all year round, often invaded by Londoners at the weekend when they come to visit their houses in the country. A tradition to walk across on New Year's day, if the cross wind does not revive you the occaisional snowfall might.
360o view


Anonymous said...

I've stayed on Burgh Island ... very enjoyable ...

Anonymous said...

Makes me feel homesick - but nice one, Jasper ;-)